yoshie nanno
art work
Drawing, self-portrait, 200308 in Slade school of Fine Art, UCL in London.
Drawing, tree & face 200308
Drawing, self-portrait, 20050513 in Berlin.
art work
Sound Tree 音の樹
愛しいものの宿るところ angel in the Rock
何もない ないことがある あるいは 見えない何か
breathing Rock 2023
oak ellipse -invisible spiral-
NEMURI 20210910-26
Secret of Sound 2021 0530
Secret of Sound 2021 0410
Contemporary ART 2020 Inside Out
Secret of Sound 2020
JINO企画展 Voice of Forest –Awaji island @HIRAMATSUGUMI 20200222-0305 Island Tree
Exhibit. Miniature for Charity at Renaissance Square 20191207-17
Contemporary ART 2019 Meridian 135
Secret of Sound, Shree Raga, 20190918-1006, Okanoyama Museum at Nishiwaki.
Hole of Nature 20190720-0804 in gallery Shimada, Kobe
FORM |Wild boar Bones| 2018.12.15~2019.1.14
Contemporary ART 2018 Doing Feeling Being
Light Here and Now, Contemporary ART 2018 Doing Feeling Being, 201811 at Nomadomura
SECRET OF SOUND 2018.7.7~18 in gallery Shimada, Kobe
torus of forest topology ○|
Between 201703 in Gossa Walking Museum
Water sculpture 201603 in Gossa Walking Museum
Drawing 南野佳英 展 2015.9.15~20 in CASO.
metaphorein | deep forest, on 04-06 2014 in nomadomura Hut.
memory of water, on 08-10 2012 in nomadomura Hut.
forest hold one sky, on spring 2012 in minokamo-forest, Gifu.
plants walking, 2011-2012 in Gossa walking museum, Awaji-island.
empty drawing |Under Trial 2| 2004.6.9~20 in CASO, Osaka
Voice says in a dream 2002.4 in galerie 16, Kyoto
|◯ 2001.4.18~28 in CASO, Osaka
“Body Drawing”, 1996.5-1997.3 Kala Bhavana Sculpture course at Visva Bharati University, Shantiniketan, India
Performance and Installation, “Body, Tree and Paper” 199508 at International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg
drawing 20220317
NEMURI 20210910-26
drawing 20191022
Drawing 20150430
Drawing 20150424
Drawing 20070927
Drawing self-portrait in Berlin
Drawing, self-portrait, 20050513 in Berlin.
Drawing, self-portrait, 200308 in Slade school of Fine Art, UCL in London.
Drawing, tree & face 200308